My head is ALL over the place and you've been warned....
--->Checkin in'
This morning I had my mid-week check in with Joe and honestly, I was not looking forward to it. I havent really felt very good about my physique the past couple of days...feeling like I'm holding water, looking skinny fat etc. so getting on the scale was definitely making me anxious. I was relieved to see that it's down..AGAIN! I dropped about another half pound and sitting at 119.8lbs....YES I am back in the fuckin teens!!!!!!! It's been one hell of a long time since I could say that. I was more than happy to send Joe my updates and he is pleased with things and we are staying the course til my next check in, so no changes as of now..just over 9 weeks to go and I'm on the right track.
--->Have you seen my OOMPH??!
I am thinking of placing a missing person's ad for it! I have been absolutely drained lately...More often than not, I just feel beat. I am out of energy by mid afternoon if I'm lucky. Some days are better than others but overall, I'm just rundown. I dont sleep well at all...On a good night, I'll only get up 3 times instead of 5...GO ME! (eye roll) I am typically out of the house by 7:30am and dont get back home til 6-6:30pm, get myself prepped for the next day and in bed by 9-10pm at the latest. My training has been decent at best, but overall pretty shitty to be real..I just need to wrap my head around it, I am dieting and running on low fuel which means the body just isnt going to perform at it's best but I'm pushing through it and getting it done...even if I'm tempted to bail on a cardio session here and there cause I just wanna get home, I havent..not a single second less than I am supposed to.
--->Random prep musings
*I am STARVING! I know, shocker..huh? I'm not just talking junk, I would take any and all food right now...more chicken, oats, name it, I want it! My growling tummy is always a reminder of why it sucks to try and stay this tiny year round, I love food way too much LOL!
*I am drinking anywhere from 1.75-2 gal of water a day and dear baby jeezus, I am still so thirsty and spend most of my day/night peeing! Imma start cutting my water intake at 8pm in hopes of making it through the night without having to pee.
*My addiction to artificial sweeteners is still a daily battle. I have cut back some but not totally...especially with all the water I drink, I love me some Crystal Light and I have had a few more energy drinks than I should lately to give me a boost. Overall, my usage is down though and I plan on cutting it a little more as I go.
*Cajun seasoning is my saving grace! Oh my fuckin NOMZ, I am addicted to it. I use it on my chicken, tuna, salads, egg name it, I'm putting Cajun seasoning on it. Love, Love, Love it!
And to wrap up this clusterfuck of thoughts......
Today/tonight I will be in full OCD, organizational mode. My BF is competing Arnold weekend, so we are heading out to Columbus tomorrow morning. He is benching on Friday night and I am in the middle of prep, so we have a lot of packing, food prepping and organizing to do. Obviously, I won't be checking in over the weekend, and everyone knows that straying from my routine can cause me a heart attack (can you say understatement?!!? LMAO!) but I touched base with the boss, I will have all my meals ready to go and my training/cardio program nailed...We are both poised for success! I am super excited for him, I couldn't be more proud to be in his corner and support him along the way. I just know that he will yet again, blow me away as he always does. I'm looking forward to a fun road trip, a great weekend and seeing my man shine at what he loves.
No worries, I will have a full report when I return :)
I am going to be blogging every high and low of my contest prep for my IFPA Pro Figure debut. This blog will include my diet, training, supplementation, progress pictures/measurements as well as all the random musings that go through my head during the process.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Updated stats, pics....10 Weeks Out!!!!
Here I sit, just 10 short weeks out from the Pro Bowl.....
This morning, I weighed in and was SUPER excited to see the scale drop yet again...Down another half pound and holding at 120.4lbs! I was feeling tighter and leaner, and lucky for me and my sanity...the scaled followed suit ;-)
Aside from the scale update, it was time to strip down and get in front of the camera! EEEK! Overall, I am feeling pretty good with how I I think I could be BETTER at this point?? Umm...hello, this is ME...of course, but I am seeing progress and my body is responding..that feels good. In looking over the pics, I do see that my upper body and my waistline is coming in and tightening up quite nicely but being a woman (which fuckin blows) my lower body is definitely being a wee bit more ass and hammies are holding onto fat for dear life.
As usual, yes...I was a little disappointed with the pictures as I really think that I look better in person and I don't photograph well. My wonderful and oh so patient photographer...Josh ;-) agreed that the camera doesnt really capture my physique at it's best. Of course, as the boss always reminds me...if I look good in a shitty picture, I am on the right for the sake of my mental stability and those around me, we're gonna go with that...
I sent the pics as well as my stats to Joe and he is very pleased with my progress at this point. Things are moving in the right direction and as per my mid week check in, there will not be any changes to the program as of now. We're going to stay the course and see how my body plays along.
The goods:
10 Weeks Out/120.4lbs

This morning, I weighed in and was SUPER excited to see the scale drop yet again...Down another half pound and holding at 120.4lbs! I was feeling tighter and leaner, and lucky for me and my sanity...the scaled followed suit ;-)
Aside from the scale update, it was time to strip down and get in front of the camera! EEEK! Overall, I am feeling pretty good with how I I think I could be BETTER at this point?? Umm...hello, this is ME...of course, but I am seeing progress and my body is responding..that feels good. In looking over the pics, I do see that my upper body and my waistline is coming in and tightening up quite nicely but being a woman (which fuckin blows) my lower body is definitely being a wee bit more ass and hammies are holding onto fat for dear life.
As usual, yes...I was a little disappointed with the pictures as I really think that I look better in person and I don't photograph well. My wonderful and oh so patient photographer...Josh ;-) agreed that the camera doesnt really capture my physique at it's best. Of course, as the boss always reminds me...if I look good in a shitty picture, I am on the right for the sake of my mental stability and those around me, we're gonna go with that...
I sent the pics as well as my stats to Joe and he is very pleased with my progress at this point. Things are moving in the right direction and as per my mid week check in, there will not be any changes to the program as of now. We're going to stay the course and see how my body plays along.
The goods:
10 Weeks Out/120.4lbs
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Mid-Week Check'n-In...with my scale and my sanity!
As prep moves along, I am doing mid-week checkin's with Joe as well as my usual Saturday updates. I have been following my program to the T and I'm feeling pretty good about the way things are moving...FINALLY! I stepped on the scale this morning with the hopes of it being down from my last weigh-in and boy, was I pleasantly surprised...I dropped a whole 2lbs! I am now sitting at 121LBS!!!! As much as I try to keep an even keel with the scale and the numbers game, it feels so fuckin good to see the results of my efforts. On the bright side, as much as the scale can get me down when it's not playing nice...days like today, put me in a good mood and kick off my day right! I know in the end, that little number really doesn't mean a thing BUT seeing that it's moving in the right directions helps to keep my focus and keeps my head positive...It makes me push just that little bit harder.
Now, as far as my head is concerned..........LOL
I am having my usual ups and downs, depending on the day..oh, hell..sometimes they vary by the hour ;-) I am SEEING the progress I am making, I can SEE the fat is dropping and that I am tightening up daily. The delt/bi separation is coming in, veins are coming out, my waistline is shrinking by the day....As far as the scale is concerned, I have NEVER been this tight at this weight before so there is no doubt that I am carrying more muscle mass than any previous show...which in reality is the goal, improvements each time out is all I can hope for. To be honest, I know while I am in the best shape of my life, I still wish I were better...I know that as I get leaner I still don't have the size that I want, I am still very tiny overall and even though I am over 10 weeks out, I can see the areas that I want to build upon...areas that I want to bring up and improve...Even as I am making progress and I see how far I've come from the last time I prepped...nearly 2 years ago, I give myself credit for the work I've done but I still want more...
I guess that's just the nature of the beast...or I'm fuckin insane....but let's not get hung up on the details......
Anywho, enough of my rambling...
The boss is happy with my progress so there will be no changes to our plan of action at this point...Thank sweet baby jeezus! I don't know what's worse...losing the macros or having to play with my spreadsheets?!!?
35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein (low)
35g Fat/130g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/155g Carb/140g Protein (high)
3 45 min SS sessions per week
3 HIIT sessions per week
Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)
Now, as far as my head is concerned..........LOL
I am having my usual ups and downs, depending on the day..oh, hell..sometimes they vary by the hour ;-) I am SEEING the progress I am making, I can SEE the fat is dropping and that I am tightening up daily. The delt/bi separation is coming in, veins are coming out, my waistline is shrinking by the day....As far as the scale is concerned, I have NEVER been this tight at this weight before so there is no doubt that I am carrying more muscle mass than any previous show...which in reality is the goal, improvements each time out is all I can hope for. To be honest, I know while I am in the best shape of my life, I still wish I were better...I know that as I get leaner I still don't have the size that I want, I am still very tiny overall and even though I am over 10 weeks out, I can see the areas that I want to build upon...areas that I want to bring up and improve...Even as I am making progress and I see how far I've come from the last time I prepped...nearly 2 years ago, I give myself credit for the work I've done but I still want more...
I guess that's just the nature of the beast...or I'm fuckin insane....but let's not get hung up on the details......
Anywho, enough of my rambling...
The boss is happy with my progress so there will be no changes to our plan of action at this point...Thank sweet baby jeezus! I don't know what's worse...losing the macros or having to play with my spreadsheets?!!?
35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein (low)
35g Fat/130g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/155g Carb/140g Protein (high)
3 45 min SS sessions per week
3 HIIT sessions per week
Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
11 Weeks Out......
Update time!
This weekend now brings my prep to 11 weeks out! I don't know where time is going but I feel like this prep is passing me by.
I'll be taking the stage before I know it....
I checked in with Joe yesterday morning with an UBER excited email informing him that the scale was down this week :)) I was down a pound and sitting at 123LBS even...That was a much needed drop and made me felt great! I also made it a point to tell him that I did end up getting my period over the last few days, so the increase was probably a bit of water weight/bloat etc...oh the joys of being female ((eyeroll)). I have been implementing the changes from my mid week check in, so I'm sure the slight drop in carbs and increase in my cardio program has helped to move things along a bit too.
As far as how I LOOK...I ran through my poses a bit this morning, I think things are coming together and I am seeing progress. I haven't taken new progress pics, I think that will be on the agenda for next weekend! But, I did manage to get into a pair of jeans this weekend that I haven't worn since LAST MAY!!! I pulled them up, a size ONE I might add without breaking a belt I say, total fuckin' win!!!!!!!!!

Random prep-tidbits:
*I am fuckin' starving! The hunger has kicked in full force and I am starting to be kept up at night from the sounds of my growling belly :/ FML
*Peeing and thirst are amed up! I am hell-a thirsty and nothing seems to quench it, probably because I am pissing like a race horse...I drink it down and it's running right back out!
*Did I mention I was fuckin starving?!!?!??
*With the whole "lowering carbs" bullshit, I have been upping my greens and let me tell ya..I missed salads, they are so yummy!
*Even though I am hungry, I absolutely LOVE my meals! My post workout shake, is borderline Ah-maz-in! I mix 1/2 scoop of CN Chocolate PB and 1/2 scoop of CN Cookies & Cream Pure Whey with my oats and seriously...that shit is BANGIN'!
*My energy levels are definitely down a bit and unfortunately, I have been having a few more energy drinks than I would like...working on cutting back on that a little bit more, but overall my artificial sweetener usage is down and like the crackhead that I am, this is no easy feat!
Now excuse me while I go slightly off topic for a second....
This weekend, my BF had a power lifting meet and he was nothing short of phenomenal! He hit a bench PR of 650 @ 198lbs...of course that in itself is impressive, but watching his work towards that feat was something I was honored to be a part of. Yes, our sports are very different but at the end of the day I am inspired by his drive, work ethic and the passion for his sport. He is humble, yet proud of his accomplishments...but at the same time, he isn't done..he doesn't settle and he is focused on working towards much more. I am very fortunate to be able to share my life with someone who helps motivate, inspire and lift me up...someone I can draw strength from in my moments of doubt and/or weakness. I am so proud of you, Josh...Thank you for sharing your journey with me <3
and back to our regularly scheduled programming.............
no changes as per the boss man, so the plan of action, 11 weeks out remains:
35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein (low)
35g Fat/130g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/155g Carb/140g Protein (high)
3 45 min SS sessions per week
3 HIIT sessions per week
Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)
This weekend now brings my prep to 11 weeks out! I don't know where time is going but I feel like this prep is passing me by.
I'll be taking the stage before I know it....
I checked in with Joe yesterday morning with an UBER excited email informing him that the scale was down this week :)) I was down a pound and sitting at 123LBS even...That was a much needed drop and made me felt great! I also made it a point to tell him that I did end up getting my period over the last few days, so the increase was probably a bit of water weight/bloat etc...oh the joys of being female ((eyeroll)). I have been implementing the changes from my mid week check in, so I'm sure the slight drop in carbs and increase in my cardio program has helped to move things along a bit too.
As far as how I LOOK...I ran through my poses a bit this morning, I think things are coming together and I am seeing progress. I haven't taken new progress pics, I think that will be on the agenda for next weekend! But, I did manage to get into a pair of jeans this weekend that I haven't worn since LAST MAY!!! I pulled them up, a size ONE I might add without breaking a belt I say, total fuckin' win!!!!!!!!!

Random prep-tidbits:
*I am fuckin' starving! The hunger has kicked in full force and I am starting to be kept up at night from the sounds of my growling belly :/ FML
*Peeing and thirst are amed up! I am hell-a thirsty and nothing seems to quench it, probably because I am pissing like a race horse...I drink it down and it's running right back out!
*Did I mention I was fuckin starving?!!?!??
*With the whole "lowering carbs" bullshit, I have been upping my greens and let me tell ya..I missed salads, they are so yummy!
*Even though I am hungry, I absolutely LOVE my meals! My post workout shake, is borderline Ah-maz-in! I mix 1/2 scoop of CN Chocolate PB and 1/2 scoop of CN Cookies & Cream Pure Whey with my oats and seriously...that shit is BANGIN'!
*My energy levels are definitely down a bit and unfortunately, I have been having a few more energy drinks than I would like...working on cutting back on that a little bit more, but overall my artificial sweetener usage is down and like the crackhead that I am, this is no easy feat!
Now excuse me while I go slightly off topic for a second....
This weekend, my BF had a power lifting meet and he was nothing short of phenomenal! He hit a bench PR of 650 @ 198lbs...of course that in itself is impressive, but watching his work towards that feat was something I was honored to be a part of. Yes, our sports are very different but at the end of the day I am inspired by his drive, work ethic and the passion for his sport. He is humble, yet proud of his accomplishments...but at the same time, he isn't done..he doesn't settle and he is focused on working towards much more. I am very fortunate to be able to share my life with someone who helps motivate, inspire and lift me up...someone I can draw strength from in my moments of doubt and/or weakness. I am so proud of you, Josh...Thank you for sharing your journey with me <3
and back to our regularly scheduled programming.............
no changes as per the boss man, so the plan of action, 11 weeks out remains:
35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein (low)
35g Fat/130g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/155g Carb/140g Protein (high)
3 45 min SS sessions per week
3 HIIT sessions per week
Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Mid-Week Check-In, Changes and Rants
This morning I had a mid-week date with the scale (as ordered by the boss man) and it did not go as well as I had hoped or expected. Even though I have been following my nutrition plan as well as my training and cardio programs to a motherfuckin T, the scale was up :( I am sitting at 124lbs even..not up much but enough to make me wanna throw that fucker against the wall. Obviously the logical side of my brain knows that a small fluctuation like that can really be anything...and honestly, I do feel a little I am retaining a bit of water...maybe I am getting my period, who knows?! All I know is that I went from feeling pretty good about myself to feeling like total fuckin garbage the moment I stepped on it...and to be real, I literally wanted to burst into tears.
But, now that I have regained some sanity and perspective.....
As much as the scale deflates me at times, I know it isn't the end all, be all gauge of my progress or my success. Over the weekend I stripped down to a sports bra, shorts and heels and ran through some poses, worked on things and took a good look at the whole picture..I got some great feedback and I honestly felt pretty good about my physique and how I am progressing. I am getting leaner/tighter, seeing my lines take shape so even though the scale isn't telling me what I want, I cannot let it dictate how I feel about myself or my efforts. Throughout my prep, I have NEVER wavered...I give it my everything day in and day out, so no matter what the little fuckin box tells me I know that I am doing everything possible to get where I want to be.
After I got a grip on myself, I sent the dreadful news over to Joe and of course, as usual..he sent some great words of encouragement and talked me off the ledge....then he sent some changes to my program LOL! These are just slight tweaks so as much as I bitch, it isn't any drastic drop in food or increase in cardio...dropping carbs slightly on my medium and high days and adding another HIIT session into the mix and a few minutes to my steady state sessions. I have to admit, the idea of LESS food and MORE cardio doesn't exactly knock my socks off...but, I am excited to watch my body respond and get this fat moving!
Program updates as of 02/15/12
11.5 weeks out (roughly)
35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein (low)
35g Fat/130g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/155g Carb/140g Protein (high)
45 min SS 3x per week
3 HIIT sessions per week
Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)
But, now that I have regained some sanity and perspective.....
As much as the scale deflates me at times, I know it isn't the end all, be all gauge of my progress or my success. Over the weekend I stripped down to a sports bra, shorts and heels and ran through some poses, worked on things and took a good look at the whole picture..I got some great feedback and I honestly felt pretty good about my physique and how I am progressing. I am getting leaner/tighter, seeing my lines take shape so even though the scale isn't telling me what I want, I cannot let it dictate how I feel about myself or my efforts. Throughout my prep, I have NEVER wavered...I give it my everything day in and day out, so no matter what the little fuckin box tells me I know that I am doing everything possible to get where I want to be.
After I got a grip on myself, I sent the dreadful news over to Joe and of course, as usual..he sent some great words of encouragement and talked me off the ledge....then he sent some changes to my program LOL! These are just slight tweaks so as much as I bitch, it isn't any drastic drop in food or increase in cardio...dropping carbs slightly on my medium and high days and adding another HIIT session into the mix and a few minutes to my steady state sessions. I have to admit, the idea of LESS food and MORE cardio doesn't exactly knock my socks off...but, I am excited to watch my body respond and get this fat moving!
Program updates as of 02/15/12
11.5 weeks out (roughly)
35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein (low)
35g Fat/130g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/155g Carb/140g Protein (high)
45 min SS 3x per week
3 HIIT sessions per week
Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)
Saturday, February 11, 2012
12 Weeks Out!
Well, it's that time again...
The days on the calendar are moving quickly and I find myself 12 weeks out...already! EEEK! Yeah, EEEEEK...that pretty much sums me up. I had mixed emotions going into my check in this morning...I was looking forward to seeing some progress but at the same time I had a tough week, so stepping on the scale could have really fucked my head up. I was happy to see that my weight is consistently dropping...nothing significant but I'm down to 123.6lbs as of this morning. While, I was hoping to see it a bit lower, a drop is a drop...not much more I can ask. I sent my stats to Joe and he seems pretty pleased with my progress. He isn't going to be making any changes to my program as of today, but I will be doing a mid-week check in on Wednesday so I guess we'll see what comes of that and where we go from there.
As I mentioned, this week was a tough one. I've been dieting for about 5 weeks now and it seems that I've finally started feeling the effects. My moods have been up and down, my energy levels are down and I'm not sleeping real well. Of course, it should go without saying but Imma say it ---> I AM FUCKIN' STARVING!!!!!!!!! I've been getting all my training in as well as my cardio sessions, but I was definitely lacking a bit and didn't have the strength or intensity as I would like but I'm still getting shit done even though I am having moments where I just don't feel like excuses.
Now, physically I am not THRILLED with what I see in the mirror :( Am I being hard on myself?? Maybe but I have high standards and expectations for myself. I feel like my lower body (hips, ass, legs) still has SOOOOOO far to 12 weeks just won't be enough time to bring it together...then again, maybe I am a wee bit too critical. On the bright side, I will say that my upper body (delts, arms, upper back) are coming along really well and my waistline is making her comeback ;-)) I guess it's a double edged sword really...I feel like as I am getting leaner, that I am not carrying the size that I had hoped for...but, it is what it is and I'm working with what I am at this point.
This post has been a little scatter-brained but that's pretty much how my head has been this welcome to my world :)
12 weeks out plan: (no changes)
35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein (low)
35g Fat/140g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/165g Carb/140g Protein (high)
40 min SS 3x per week
2 HIIT sessions per week
Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)
The days on the calendar are moving quickly and I find myself 12 weeks out...already! EEEK! Yeah, EEEEEK...that pretty much sums me up. I had mixed emotions going into my check in this morning...I was looking forward to seeing some progress but at the same time I had a tough week, so stepping on the scale could have really fucked my head up. I was happy to see that my weight is consistently dropping...nothing significant but I'm down to 123.6lbs as of this morning. While, I was hoping to see it a bit lower, a drop is a drop...not much more I can ask. I sent my stats to Joe and he seems pretty pleased with my progress. He isn't going to be making any changes to my program as of today, but I will be doing a mid-week check in on Wednesday so I guess we'll see what comes of that and where we go from there.
As I mentioned, this week was a tough one. I've been dieting for about 5 weeks now and it seems that I've finally started feeling the effects. My moods have been up and down, my energy levels are down and I'm not sleeping real well. Of course, it should go without saying but Imma say it ---> I AM FUCKIN' STARVING!!!!!!!!! I've been getting all my training in as well as my cardio sessions, but I was definitely lacking a bit and didn't have the strength or intensity as I would like but I'm still getting shit done even though I am having moments where I just don't feel like excuses.
Now, physically I am not THRILLED with what I see in the mirror :( Am I being hard on myself?? Maybe but I have high standards and expectations for myself. I feel like my lower body (hips, ass, legs) still has SOOOOOO far to 12 weeks just won't be enough time to bring it together...then again, maybe I am a wee bit too critical. On the bright side, I will say that my upper body (delts, arms, upper back) are coming along really well and my waistline is making her comeback ;-)) I guess it's a double edged sword really...I feel like as I am getting leaner, that I am not carrying the size that I had hoped for...but, it is what it is and I'm working with what I am at this point.
This post has been a little scatter-brained but that's pretty much how my head has been this welcome to my world :)
12 weeks out plan: (no changes)
35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein (low)
35g Fat/140g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/165g Carb/140g Protein (high)
40 min SS 3x per week
2 HIIT sessions per week
Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Maintaining the art of balance...

Maintaining a balance with my chosen lifestyle is something I have struggled with for YEARS...literally! While I will forever be a work in progress, I have made significant steps forward in living a more balanced life. I am many things, a competitor is just one of them..I am a friend, a sister, a daughter, a girl friend etc.. Many competitors (yes, I am guilty) think they HAVE to live a sheltered, reclusive life in order to be successful or to reach their goals but the reality is, in chasing that one are missing out on many others.
I am VERY structured and organized when it comes to getting all of my training in, getting my cardio sessions done and most importantly making sure that I hit my macros daily...Do I get a wee bit obsessive about it? Of course ;-) I still have those moments of "WTF how can I do it all!?!?" BUT, I am happy to say those moments are now fleeting and in the grand scheme of things, I do not let it control my life in the same manner that I used to. You can still go out, enjoy yourself, live like a "normal" person and still keep focus on your goals.
Just this past weekend, I faced a couple of "challenges" if you wanna call them that. I went to a hockey game with my brother and dinner with a friend..I was prepared for both. My cardio sessions were finished early, my food prepped and packed with me...There were no excuses, I set myself up for success and can do both! I spent some quality time, catching up and sharing a great day with people who matter to me. It wasn't about what I was or wasn't eating or drinking...I was just a sister and a friend, hanging out and having a good time and enjoying each others company..doing what "normal" people do AND moving closer to my goals...Both are possible!
I'd be full of shit if I acted like it was easy or that I don't still have to stop and catch my breath before my head spins off my neck when something comes up or doesn't go according to MY plan. If anything I know that I am prepared and that I can handle every aspect of my life...that I really can balance it all. It's never as black and white as I want it to be, as I like it to be but I am learning and growing...
I still have a ways to go, some days are easier to balance than others but I am light years ahead of where I used to be and in the end, progress is all I can really ask for.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
13 Weeks Out......and counting!
It's already the first weekend of February, I'm 13 weeks out....Time is a-flyin'!
After implementing the tweaks Joe made to my program last week, I was VERY excited to check in with him this morning. Over the last week, I have noticed many changes to my physique...mainly in my waistline and delts, my lines are coming together, new veins and striations in my upper body...and of course, the ass is getting tighter/rounder too :)))
I didn't take any progress pics this week, possibly next...we'll see. This morning I got on the scale and I was down a full pound from last week. I am sitting at 124.4lbs which is the lowest my weight has been in a while...well, the lowest it has officially been...When I peeked at the scale mid-week it was a tad lower but let's not nit pick and fuck with my head....Mmmmkay! There is nothing better than sending a happy and positive check-in email to the boss...well, maybe his encouraging reply and lack of changes is a wee bit better LOL!
Random prep thoughts:
*As I touched on in a previous post, I have cut back significantly on my use of artificial sweeteners. I did not cut them out completely, but just limiting them has made a great difference in my weight and my physique in only a week.
I want food! I'm not really craving shit, I mean..sure I'd love a pint of B&J or a box of girl scout cookies (who doesnt!!??!) but, I would really just like to eat more...bigger portions, more of everything.
*Cardio is something I normally HATE and yes, while it's not something I am looking forward to..I'm also not dreading it like I expected. I honestly like sprinting and even though SS bores me to death, my cardio program really isn't all that bad....Please, remind me of this next week when I am bitching about it.
and with all that babbled........
The plan of action as of 13 weeks out is to stay the course, things are progressing so there are no changes as of now:
35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein (low)
35g Fat/140g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/165g Carb/140g Protein (high)
40 min SS 3x per week
2 HIIT sessions per week
Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)
After implementing the tweaks Joe made to my program last week, I was VERY excited to check in with him this morning. Over the last week, I have noticed many changes to my physique...mainly in my waistline and delts, my lines are coming together, new veins and striations in my upper body...and of course, the ass is getting tighter/rounder too :)))
I didn't take any progress pics this week, possibly next...we'll see. This morning I got on the scale and I was down a full pound from last week. I am sitting at 124.4lbs which is the lowest my weight has been in a while...well, the lowest it has officially been...When I peeked at the scale mid-week it was a tad lower but let's not nit pick and fuck with my head....Mmmmkay! There is nothing better than sending a happy and positive check-in email to the boss...well, maybe his encouraging reply and lack of changes is a wee bit better LOL!
Random prep thoughts:
*As I touched on in a previous post, I have cut back significantly on my use of artificial sweeteners. I did not cut them out completely, but just limiting them has made a great difference in my weight and my physique in only a week.
I want food! I'm not really craving shit, I mean..sure I'd love a pint of B&J or a box of girl scout cookies (who doesnt!!??!) but, I would really just like to eat more...bigger portions, more of everything.
*Cardio is something I normally HATE and yes, while it's not something I am looking forward to..I'm also not dreading it like I expected. I honestly like sprinting and even though SS bores me to death, my cardio program really isn't all that bad....Please, remind me of this next week when I am bitching about it.
and with all that babbled........
The plan of action as of 13 weeks out is to stay the course, things are progressing so there are no changes as of now:
35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein (low)
35g Fat/140g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/165g Carb/140g Protein (high)
40 min SS 3x per week
2 HIIT sessions per week
Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Quick update and random musings
It's been quite a few days since my last post, life has been busy but I just wanted to drop in with a quick update...
I started implementing the changes Joe gave me over the weekend and I'm already feeling positive about my progress. With just a slight tweak in carbs and cardio, I am feeling tighter and looking clothes are fitting a bit differently and even though I didn't need to check in, I did take a quick peek at the scale (shhhh!) and it's moving! One slight change I made was drastically cutting my artificial sweeteners. I did not cut them completely, but I did cut back...If I use too much, they fuck with my body. It's only been a few days, but I can already tell a difference. My diet, training and cardio have all been 100% on point, so I'm excited to see where things will be as I check in this weekend.
I also wanted to take a moment and ramble about some things bouncing around in my head...
One of the things that drives me absolutely batty is when people tell me they wish they had my motivation or they want me to help motivate them...the worst is when people tell me they feel "sorry" for me that I am on a 'diet' or 'have' to go to the gym. I do what I do cause I LOVE it, bodybuilding is my passion...that's OK if it's not yours, it's not for everyone. I get my ass in the gym and train, I count/weigh and measure everything I eat..I will do whatever is necessary in order to reach my goals because it's important to me, it's what I love to do. Whatever you chose to do in life, you have to have the genuine desire, the fire inside of YOU to go after it...motivation and encouragement from others, while it's great to have, it will not keep you going if you don't have it within yourself first. I am VERY fortunate to have a solid foundation of supportive people around me, people who care for me, believe in me and want me to succeed but when it comes down to it, if I don't have the passion and the drive for amount of cheerleading is going to get me there. Yes, there are days where I would rather stick a fork in my eye than do cardio or days where I just wanna eat whatever I want and not count a fuckin macro but in the end, nobody is MAKING me do this, I hold no obligations to anyone other than the person looking back at me in the mirror. I am motivated by my love of the sport and my desire to be MY best and that fire and motivation comes from my heart.
Find your love, your passion and follow it!
and with that, I'll leave you this little diddy....
I started implementing the changes Joe gave me over the weekend and I'm already feeling positive about my progress. With just a slight tweak in carbs and cardio, I am feeling tighter and looking clothes are fitting a bit differently and even though I didn't need to check in, I did take a quick peek at the scale (shhhh!) and it's moving! One slight change I made was drastically cutting my artificial sweeteners. I did not cut them completely, but I did cut back...If I use too much, they fuck with my body. It's only been a few days, but I can already tell a difference. My diet, training and cardio have all been 100% on point, so I'm excited to see where things will be as I check in this weekend.
I also wanted to take a moment and ramble about some things bouncing around in my head...
One of the things that drives me absolutely batty is when people tell me they wish they had my motivation or they want me to help motivate them...the worst is when people tell me they feel "sorry" for me that I am on a 'diet' or 'have' to go to the gym. I do what I do cause I LOVE it, bodybuilding is my passion...that's OK if it's not yours, it's not for everyone. I get my ass in the gym and train, I count/weigh and measure everything I eat..I will do whatever is necessary in order to reach my goals because it's important to me, it's what I love to do. Whatever you chose to do in life, you have to have the genuine desire, the fire inside of YOU to go after it...motivation and encouragement from others, while it's great to have, it will not keep you going if you don't have it within yourself first. I am VERY fortunate to have a solid foundation of supportive people around me, people who care for me, believe in me and want me to succeed but when it comes down to it, if I don't have the passion and the drive for amount of cheerleading is going to get me there. Yes, there are days where I would rather stick a fork in my eye than do cardio or days where I just wanna eat whatever I want and not count a fuckin macro but in the end, nobody is MAKING me do this, I hold no obligations to anyone other than the person looking back at me in the mirror. I am motivated by my love of the sport and my desire to be MY best and that fire and motivation comes from my heart.
Find your love, your passion and follow it!
and with that, I'll leave you this little diddy....
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