Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A little of this and a dash of that....

My head is ALL over the place and you've been warned....

--->Checkin in'
This morning I had my mid-week check in with Joe and honestly, I was not looking forward to it. I havent really felt very good about my physique the past couple of days...feeling like I'm holding water, looking skinny fat etc. so getting on the scale was definitely making me anxious. I was relieved to see that it's down..AGAIN! I dropped about another half pound and sitting at 119.8lbs....YES I am back in the fuckin teens!!!!!!! It's been one hell of a long time since I could say that. I was more than happy to send Joe my updates and he is pleased with things and we are staying the course til my next check in, so no changes as of now..just over 9 weeks to go and I'm on the right track.

--->Have you seen my OOMPH??!
I am thinking of placing a missing person's ad for it! I have been absolutely drained lately...More often than not, I just feel beat. I am out of energy by mid afternoon if I'm lucky. Some days are better than others but overall, I'm just rundown. I dont sleep well at all...On a good night, I'll only get up 3 times instead of 5...GO ME! (eye roll) I am typically out of the house by 7:30am and dont get back home til 6-6:30pm, get myself prepped for the next day and in bed by 9-10pm at the latest. My training has been decent at best, but overall pretty shitty to be real..I just need to wrap my head around it, I am dieting and running on low fuel which means the body just isnt going to perform at it's best but I'm pushing through it and getting it done...even if I'm tempted to bail on a cardio session here and there cause I just wanna get home, I havent..not a single second less than I am supposed to.

--->Random prep musings
*I am STARVING! I know, shocker..huh? I'm not just talking junk, I would take any and all food right now...more chicken, oats, name it, I want it! My growling tummy is always a reminder of why it sucks to try and stay this tiny year round, I love food way too much LOL!

*I am drinking anywhere from 1.75-2 gal of water a day and dear baby jeezus, I am still so thirsty and spend most of my day/night peeing! Imma start cutting my water intake at 8pm in hopes of making it through the night without having to pee.

*My addiction to artificial sweeteners is still a daily battle. I have cut back some but not totally...especially with all the water I drink, I love me some Crystal Light and I have had a few more energy drinks than I should lately to give me a boost. Overall, my usage is down though and I plan on cutting it a little more as I go.

*Cajun seasoning is my saving grace! Oh my fuckin NOMZ, I am addicted to it. I use it on my chicken, tuna, salads, egg name it, I'm putting Cajun seasoning on it. Love, Love, Love it!

And to wrap up this clusterfuck of thoughts......

Today/tonight I will be in full OCD, organizational mode. My BF is competing Arnold weekend, so we are heading out to Columbus tomorrow morning. He is benching on Friday night and I am in the middle of prep, so we have a lot of packing, food prepping and organizing to do. Obviously, I won't be checking in over the weekend, and everyone knows that straying from my routine can cause me a heart attack (can you say understatement?!!? LMAO!) but I touched base with the boss, I will have all my meals ready to go and my training/cardio program nailed...We are both poised for success! I am super excited for him, I couldn't be more proud to be in his corner and support him along the way. I just know that he will yet again, blow me away as he always does. I'm looking forward to a fun road trip, a great weekend and seeing my man shine at what he loves.

No worries, I will have a full report when I return :)

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