Saturday, January 28, 2012

Update-->>14 Weeks Out!

Time is already moving rapidly, here I sit just 14 weeks out....ALREADY!

This morning I did the full check in with the boss--->>Weight and Pics!
I have been feeling good about how things are moving along. I feel like I look tighter/leaner..I am seeing a shift in my body composition and overall conditioning. Lately, I have also been getting some really nice feedback from people whom I respect which is always a nice confidence booster. So with all that being said, I was actually looking forward to my updates today....until I got on the scale and got into my bikini :( The scale is holding steady at 125.5lbs which was a punch to the gut but that was nothing compared to seeing my pics...that really ruined my morning. What I see in the mirror and what I see on the camera were like two different people...I know lighting, using the timer etc..all play a part in things but FUCK, I was really hoping to see some significant changes.

As usual, I sent everything over to Joe...with a pissed off, rant of an email to go along with it. In typical Joe fashion, he talked me off the cliff. He is seeing some changes and he said that the scale WILL move but that it isn't the end all, be all measure of my progress. All of this I know, yet I still manage to lose my mind over it. He also asked if the judges knew what I weighed when I won my Pro card....touche, well played Boss ;-)

And with all that said, I also got some tweaks to my program which I will start implementing tomorrow. No crazy drastic changes or anything...just a little drop in carbs and a slight increase in cardio...Although, I can't really say which I hate more?!!? Less food!??! More cardio?!?! Either way, I'm looking forward to SEEING what changes physically take place.

Now for the goods!
14 weeks out @ 125.5lbs

35g Fat/105g Carb/140g Protein
35g Fat/140g Carb/140g Protein (med)
35g Fat/165g Carb/140g Protein (high)

40 min SS 3x per week
2 HIIT sessions per week


Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition Thermo Gold
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Up, down and all around......

((Inhale)) and here we go...........

What a week the last one has been.
Anyone who knows anything about me is well aware that I am a creature of habit and a control freak...especially when it comes to my prep. I am organized and have EVERYTHING planned....from my training, to cardio and most importantly my diet. The last week has thrown quite a few road blocks in my way and honestly, I had a few moments of "WTF am I doing?"...that week was capped off by a trip to visit my boyfriend. I was going to spend the weekend with him and being the OCD freak that I am, I had EVERY meal prepared and packed for the entire weekend..I had all my training and cardio sessions already in for the week and was looking forward to a relaxing weekend, which became anything but......

To make a long story short, I ended up traveling during a snow/ice storm and totaling my car in the middle of the night. Physically, I was OK...a few bumps and bruises, a little sore but in the scheme of things, I was very lucky. Now, mentally....I was a hot fuckin mess :/ I don't handle change well in any capacity but in a high pressure/stressful situation, I pretty much just lose my mind. I was panicked about what I was going to do about the car, how I was going to stay on plan without my all my meals, how would I train etc...My head was literally about to spin off my body. I am very fortunate to have a very level headed and quick thinking man by my side. Josh is a fuckin rockstar...he did an amazing job of helping me get a grip on things, handling the car issues, taking me food shopping to make sure I had everything I needed and even getting me to the gym. I made it through the whole weekend, even an extra day which was not part of the "plan" and still managed to stay on track with my prep and not miss a beat.

Dealing with unplanned circumstances that have popped up and just life not really being where I want it to be, I was having second (and third) thoughts about this prep. While I am not a quitter, I was actually considering on putting my competition goals on the back burner until things in my life were a little more in line with what I would consider a perfect time. I am happy to say that the thought was short lived and I have had some sense talked into me. I need to relax and release a little bit of the pressure I put on myself with regards to perfection...Life is never going to be perfect, no matter how much I plan there will always be something that will knock me around a bit. I give my all in everything that I do...I know that even if the situation isn't ideal or how I envision it, if I do my best with what I've got then I can be proud and keep my head held high. I am very lucky to have an incredible support system..I have a good man, who while he doesn't try to change me....he is. Each day I am growing and I'm a better person than the day before because of him. I can't ask for much more than that.....
and ((Exhale))

Now...onto a prep update!

I am a little under 15 weeks out!!! Time is really flying and I am thrilled to see that the little tweaks that Joe has made are getting things moving. Since I was away for the weekend, I checked in this morning and my weight finally dropped....I'm down to 125.4lbs which after being stuck for a while, was a huge lift to my spirit and motivation. I'm feeling and looking tighter..and yes, I'm hungry but finally seeing some progress makes it worth it! There haven't been any changes to my training or cardio so just those little tweaks in carbs have made a difference...looks like my metabolism is ready to get moving! I actually cannot wait to take progress pics and check in this weekend :)))

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mid-week check in :o)

*Deep breath*
This morning I had a dreaded date with the scale for a mid-week check in with Joe. The sicko that lives inside my head was actually mildly excited since I was anticipating some drop after my weight was up over the weekend...Well, I did drop that pound that I was up, back down to 127.8lbs BUT over all it was still pretty stuck in the scheme of things. As per usual...Joe's morning was started by my miserable check in email, but he followed up ASAP with words of encouragement and more importantly...CHANGES to my program. I know, I'm weird but as much as I love my food, I am happy that he is making tweaks to my macros. Sure, it sucks that some carbs got removed but I want my body to get moving with this shit! So I played with my menu this evening and I'm looking forward to seeing how my body responds to the tweaks over the next few days til I bombard the poor man with more emails over the weekend ;-)

Tues. 1/17:
Steady State Cardio
*With a weekend of posing and training under my belt I was actually welcoming a day of rest from the weights. I still made my way to the gym after work to work up a sweat for 30min...Have I mentioned I hate cardio?!?!?!


35g Fat
120g Carb
140g Protein

Wed. 1/18:
*After what has been a tough week, mentally this workout was just what I needed. It was a high carb day, I was fueled and even though my head was all over the place I was able to get in a solid training session and began to feel like myself. Physically, the day off yesterday must have done my body some good cause I felt fresh and healthy. I opened with deadlifts and nailed exactly what I had hoped for! I pulled 235 for a pair of singles...between the rib and back injuries I battled with last year, I haven't done that in well over 7 months! My back feels fatigued (obviously) but not sore or painful, I cant ask for more than that. *crossing fingers that I will feel just as healthy tomorrow*
Aside from that, I did pull downs and a few row variations, leg curls etc but the deads were without a doubt the highlight! One thing I don't do nearly enough is stretching so I definitely made it a point to get that in for my low back after my workout.


35g Fat
180g Carb
140g Protein

Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Now it FEELS like I'm prepping....

I feel like I finally hit the point where I'm really 'prepping'...Not getting ready to or starting it, etc...but I am in the zone and LIVING it.
Physically, I am seeing and feeling those slight little changes that make it real but since I see myself daily (and scrutinize my body like a motherfucker) it's hard for me to see any differences, but I have been getting some good feedback from people that don't see me often or haven't seen me in a while...Numerous people have asked if I'm "getting ready for something" LMAO! Ummmm...yeah, you could say that. Most importantly, aside from the physical changes...Mentally, I am fully in the zone....pretty much on auto pilot which for me, means I am locked in and just doing what I do.

Sun 01/15
Quads/Calves and 30 min SS Cardio
*Fantastic day of training and a high carb day at that! I was sore from posing class the day before but I was focused and motivated to get it done. I felt good, felt strong...hit 185 for 2 sets of 2 on squats, not a PR but definitely the heaviest I've gone since my back injury so that is a victory in itself. I didn't have a spotter so while I 'think' the depth was there, it's nice to have someone who can really check my form. Aside from heavy BB squats, I did some leg extensions and higher rep sumo squats, then wrapped up with sissy squats to failure...FYI: there is nothing fuckin sissy about them bitches!
I'm feeling the workout today...walkin a lil funny, a total WIN!


35g Fat
180g Carb
140g Protein

Mon 1/16:
Chest/Delts/Tri and HIIT
*There is nothing worse than when my bench day falls on a Monday, aka: International Chest Day :( I was pleasantly surprised to walk right in the gym and get a bench..that rarely happens on a Monday. I was also fortunate that my spotters were benching today too...YAY! My chest is my weakest body part (strength wise) so hitting a PR today felt pretty damn good. I was able to get 115 for a single...Now, I am tough on myself and I think my ass came up a bit BUT, my spotter swears he didn't help and it was solid so I'll take his word for it but I definitely plan on getting it smoother next time. Aside from that, nothing overally exciting but just a solid training session. I wrapped up with a HIIT session and called it a day...My whole body is smoked.


35g Fat
150g Carb
140g Protein

Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

16 weeks out!

Today was an emotional roller coaster to say the least.
I am 16 weeks out and had to do my weekly check in with Joe...

Overall, I am feeling REALLY fantastic! My training has been great, I feel strong and my body is performing well. I have hit all my cardio sessions down to the last second and my diet has been 100% on point to the teeniest macro. In looking at myself, I think I am coming along well..I am feeling tighter and I am starting to see my waist come in and my face is leaning out well. Now, I got on the scale to weigh in as I am to do each week and that was like a punch to the fuckin weight went UP from last week :( I was up to 128.8lbs this week, that makes a 1lb increase. As much as I KNOW that the scale is just a tool, it is not the be all end all...It still did a total mind fuck on me.

I sent Joe a panicked email and as usual, he talked me off the cliff. He gave me words of encouragement and got my head refocused...that is a great coach! I am also fortunate to have a great support system around me. It takes certain type of people to deal with my craziness and I am fortunate that I have a boyfriend who let me rant, understands and talked me back to earth. I sent him a pic to get his perspective (no, not for public posting!) and he gave me a trainer/athlete perspective which was helpful and got my head back in the right frame of mind and away from the scale.

Today was also my first posing class of the season!!!! I haven't strapped on the heels and werked it in well over a year and ya know what...I really missed it, I felt great to get back in the swing of things. It was awesome to catch up with friends that I haven't seen in a while (holla @ Joy and Katie!) and meet some new faces who will be taking on their own journey. After my near nervous breakdown this morning, it was the perfect day to start posing and let Joe take a good look at me in person..Pics can only tell part of the story. Overall, he gave me some great feedback...he is pleased with the changes I've made to my physique and he feels that I am in a good place for 16wks out, no time to get complacent as there is still much work to be done but the moral of the story is "Nic, RELAX!" Due to the changes in my physique, I'm going to be working on making some tweaks to my posing and presentation as stay tuned for that ;-)

So, now after a busy week I am spending the night just relaxing, resting my body and awaiting my Sunday date with the squat rack....just 16 weeks to bring it all together!

The week that was.....

Quickie catch up post on my diet/training from the last few days that I've missed blogging!

Wed 01/11
*Had to train early since my work schedule was switched up. I don't like training early mornings as I don't feel I'm at my best with just one meal fueling my body. Training was decent, nothing super exciting...hit 105 for 3 on my bench but I can't help to think if I was training later and fueled properly that I coulda got a few more


35g Fat
150g Carb
140g Protein

Thur 01/12:

Rest day/HIIT Cardio
*I actually welcomed a day off from the weight room..shocker, I know! My body was pretty sore from head to toe so a break was needed. I still made my way to the spin bike for a HIIT session to burn some fat off my ass. Got a good sweat on, mission accomplished! Afterward, I went to the see the chiropractor to get myself all fixed up. Shout out to Dr. Mike Jurgelewicz over at Evon Chiropractic in Yardley, PA! He takes care of my body weekly, keeps me healthy and keeps this body performing.

35g Fat
120g Carb
140g Protein

Fri 01/13:
*Easily my favorite day to train. Coming off of a rest day and it being a high carb day was a total win! I am feeling 100% healthy again and strength is coming back. Deadlifting is by far, my fave lift and after taking roughly 6mo off from doing any type of DL it really feels AMAZING to pull again...I was able to get 215 for 2 sets of 3, the first set was smooth, the second set was definitely a bit tougher but I got it and that pretty much made my week :)


35g Fat
180g Carb
140g Protein

Sat 01/14:
Delt/Bi, SS Cardio and Posing!
*Super busy day! I had to get my training in early again, but I was amped up so it was still a pretty solid session. My strength was decent, hit 85 for 2 sets of 3 on seated military press...Cant complain about that. Banged out 30min of SS cardio after training, left feeling accomplished. In the afternoon I had my first posing session of the year (more on that in my next post). I am definitely out of posing shape and my body is feeling it, quite the workout so all in was a success!


35g Fat
150g Carb
140g Protein

Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Breathe, Nic, Breathe

This may not come to a surprise to anyone who really knows me, but I am an OCD creature of habit...GASP! Especially, when it comes to my diet and training...I crave routine and structure, to the point that I tend to panic when things don't go according to plan.

I haven't prepped for a show since the 2010 season and during that year I was unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective LOL!) unemployed. During that entire prep I ate, slept, posed and trained like it was my full time job. I didn't have anything unexpected pop up, life revolved around my training schedule and that was that. Now, fast forward I do have a full time job...40 (sometimes more) hours per week. For the most part, my schedule is fairly consistent but then there are times like this week, where things change with a moments notice and I will be real here...It throws me into a state of "Holy shit WTF?!". I am SUPER organized with everything, nothing about my prep is ever done on a whim so when a wrench gets thrown into fuckin' head spins.

When I relax and step back a bit, I know that it's really no big deal...I see what challenges so many of my friends have to contend with and it doesn't stop them, so I sure as fuck won't be making excuses. The reality is, I may hate change and unpredictability (can you say understatement??!) but when it comes down to it, I always get shit's what I do.

And exhale......
With that all said, I am feeling healthy and kicked the flu! GO ME! My diet has been on point, but since I'm back to feeling like myself again, I am STARVING! I think I should try eating slower cause I literally suck my food down at the speed of's sooooo yummy though :) I'm also sleeping a bit better and my strength is coming back in the gym too. I've had to be a little more flexible with my training since I train at peak hours, the place is PACKED and I have to work around the crowds.

Yesterdays training/nutrition:
Delts/Bis and HIIT
*Hit 80 for 2 sets of 5 on military presses, other than that..nothing noteworthy.


35g Fat
150g Carb
140g Protein

Todays training and nutrition:
Quads/Calves and 30min SS Cardio
*Pretty solid workout, had a good flow going even with the crowds. Hit 170 on squats for 2 sets of spotters weren't there and I am picky and wont just let anyone spot me, so while I THINK the depth was there, they usually give me the thumbs up or down...I always think I should/could go deeper ((shrugs))

35g Fat
180g Carb
140g Protein

Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gaining a little perspective.

I am THRILLED to be in a much better place, mentally than I was after my post yesterday. Sometimes you have to step back, reflect and gain a little perspective on things. Sure, my "before" pics or starting point isnt my ideal. Yes..I wish during the off season my diet, training and life were just perfect but the reality is that I did my best with less than optimal circumstances. If I sat around and waiting for shit to be perfect, I'd never get the fuck off my ass and go after what I want. I learned a lot along the way and that has brought me to where I am in this moment, so I'm taking it and running with it.

The whole point of progress pictures is to keep a time line and to SEE what work needs to be done and how far I've come. I took some time last night to look back and reflect through my previous contest preps and without a shadow of a doubt I am by far in the best position going into a prep than ever before. I am carrying the most weight that I ever have, while at the same time bringing the best conditioning to start a prep. Sometimes it's hard to see the total package when I look at myself daily but taking a moment to look back to where I've come from...I can wholeheartedly say that I am proud of where I am and excited for where I'm heading.

I have to push my limits and nobody else is responsible for my success or failure...not just in bodybuilding but in life as well...In the end, the responsibility lies on my ass and I have to step up and get it done but, the solid support system that I have around me is unmeasurable! I am so fortunate to have an amazing group of people who love and support me...who understand my goals, who WANT to see me succeed and want to be my shoulder to lean on when I need it...even more importantly, call me out on my shit or kick me in the ass when necessary. I cannot thank you all enough for believing in me, loving me and encouraging me.

Whew! Now onto the the task at hand....
While I am feeling MUCH better, the bug is still lingering a bit. Training today was decent, I was definitely sluggish and still a bit rundown so my numbers were nothing to write home about but no excuses...I'm getting shit done!


2 warms
160 x 5
185 x 5
210 x 3
200 x 5

Wide Lat Pulldown:
60 x 12, 12
90 x 8,
100 x 6. 6
2- Arm Bench Row:
20 x 12
35 x 10
40 x 8, 6

Seated Row:
80 x 12
120 x 12, 12, 10

Seated Leg Curl:
40 x 12, 12
65 x 10, 10, 10

BB Hip Bridge:
50 x 15, 15, 15


30 min SS (post training)

35g Fat
180g Carb
140g Protein

Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

17 weeks out!

Today marks just 17 weeks until I step on stage again!
Now, to someone who has never competed...17wks seems like a ton of time but in reality, it's not. To bring the physique that I want to the stage, I have no margin for error.

This morning, I took my first set of pictures and stats for Joe and let me tell you...that was PAINFUL! It was the first time I put on a bikini in well over a year and while I think I am fit/in decent shape in clothes..a bikini is a whole different ball game. My body composition is leaving much to be desired..I am carrying much more body fat than I would like (especially in the ass/hams/hips..oh fuck, everywhere!) and I don't have as much lean mass as I would like but it is what it is at this point. I know that my injuries held me back last year from making the gains I desired but there isn't a damn thing I can do about it now...So, it's all about getting lean and tight! On a side note, my posing is AWFUL! It's been a loooooooong time since I got my quarter turn on so I've gotta get back in the swing of things so I can hit them bitches with ease.

The dirty details and ugly truths:
25.5" Waist (narrowest point)
40" Delts
36" Hip/Glute

And there it is :(
As much as I did NOT want to post these, this is who I am, the real me...this is where I am starting from and it WILL get better each step of the way!

To avoid this post from being a complete bitch-fest...some positive thoughts:

*I'm feeling MUCH better, still not 100% but the flu bug is fading.
*Took a well deserved rest day from training, but still had a solid HIIT session.
*It was a low carb day..I dread these but I was surprisingly, NOT famished :)

Rest Day:

35g Fat
120g Carbs
140g Protein

Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil

Friday, January 6, 2012

One week down....

BLAH! That pretty much sums up my first week of prep :(

Between getting my period and the flu, I don't think there could have been a worse start. I am completely exhausted, haven't been able to sleep at all. I have been getting all my training and cardio sessions in, nothing off the charts or mind blowing but just getting in and getting it done...running on desire and commitment...It's just what I do.

The diet, thus far has been a breeze! Unfortunately, due to being sick I cant actually TASTE or ENJOY my meals but hitting all my numbers daily and I'm not hungry at all...BUT, that's probably just cause I don't feel well...This bitch is ALWAYS hungry!

On a more exciting note....tomorrow I will be doing an in store demo for Champion Nutrition at Vitamin Shoppe in Abington, Pa! If you're in the area, stop on by for some free samples and say HELLO :)
The Vitamin Shoppe
1817 Old York Rd, Abington, PA

Flat BB Bench Press:
2 warms
80 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 4

Incline DB Press:
30 x 12, 12
35 x 10, 10, 10

Standing DB Press:
15 x 12
25 x 10, 10, 10

Side Ups:
15 x 10, 10, 10

Tri pushdown:
50 x 12
60 x 12
90 x 10, 10, 10

Seated DB Ext:
25 x 12
35 x 10, 10, 10

30 min SS (post training)

35g Fat
150g Carb
140g Protein

Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Nobody said it was easy...

This has been the week from hell, one roadblock after another :/

As much as I love planning and organization, nothing ever seems to go as plan and contest prep is no different. Mentally, I am more than ready to get the ball rolling but apparently my body is not on the same page. To kick off my prep, I was greeted by my period...Oh YAY! The scale was up, I'm retaining a ton of water and I feel awful. Now, to add insult to injury I seem to have come down with the flu...body aches, sore throat, congestion and overall I feel like I've been run over by a truck.

But, it is what it is, no excuses.....

Even though I haven't been feeling well, I still got my ass in the gym. After taking a few days off over the weekend and coming off of a deload I would normally be performing at 100% but that's just not the case today. I trained Quads/Calves, but took it easy...Nothing noteworthy, just got the job done. On the bright side, today is a high carb day...unfortunately, I can't really taste anything :( I am also still retaining a ton of water and I am so dehydrated...I am chugging water but cannot quench my thirst.

2 warms
125 x 5
140 x 5
160 x 5, 5

Leg Extension:
80 x 12
90 x 12
110 x 10, 10
125 x 8

DB Sumo Squat:
75 x 12
90 x 12
100 x 10, 10

BB Split Squat:
95 x 12, 10, 10

5 x Fail

30 min SS (post training)

35g Fat
180g Carb
140g Protein

Multi-V and Vit-C
Champion Nutrition Fish Oil
Champion Nutrition AdrenNOl8 (pre workout)
Champion Nutrition Power Glutamine (post workout)
Champion Nutrition Amino Shooter Core (intra workout)
Champion Nutrition Whey (post workout/1 scoop)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Boss Man has spoken!

Today I got the full plan of action from Joe!
It's now full steam ahead....

My training doesn't alter much between off season and prep. I train heavy year round and will continue to challenge myself in the gym throughout my contest prep. I'm currently on a 4 day split (Quads/Calves, Chest/Tris, Back/Ham and Delt/Bis)'s my absolute favorite way to train as I LOVE having two leg days. After dealing with a rib and back injury throughout the bulk of last year, I am finally back to running Weider's 5/3/1 strength program, which I've had great success with...My numbers are rebounding well and I expect the progress to just keep coming. Who say's figure girls don't train like the big boys?!!?

Obviously, there has been the addition of cardio :( Now, anyone who knows anything about me knows that I HATE...HATE cardio. I will do what I'm told of course, but it is definitely my least favorite part of contest prep. I could spend hours in the weight room but even 5min of cardio is painful LOL! I am starting out with 5 cardio sessions per week--3 steady state sessions per week and 2 HIIT sessions per week. As I get deeper into prep, the number of sessions and length of them will be tweaked based on how my body is responding.

Last but not least, I got my new macros! YAY! The OCD geek in me is super excited to plug the numbers into the spreadsheet and put my meals together. One of the MANY reasons I love working with Joe, is the fact that he doesn't bark orders or tell me that I have to eat this and that. He gives me macros to hit and I do so based on the foods I enjoy! I don't cook and I'm lazy with food prep, so I keep it really simple but I enjoy EVERY single meal I eat...I will NEVER be choking down foods I don't like just because I'm "supposed to". Right now, my macros will vary based around my training. Each day I will have 35g of Fat and 140g of Carb intake will range from 120g to 180g. Just like my cardio, the macros will be tweaked along the way based on my body and how it responds.


Monday, January 2, 2012

....and here we go!

Welcome to my journey towards the May 5th, 2012 IFPA Pro Bowl!

I am going to be blogging every high and low of my contest prep for my IFPA Pro Figure debut. It has been about a year and half since I last competed, so while I am amped up to get things underway, I am also a little nervous because no matter how many times you take this ride there is always unexpected twists and turns along the way. This blog will include my diet, training, supplementation, progress pictures/measurements as well as all the random musings that go through my head during the process...Consider that a warning ;-)

I have great people in my corner who are integral parts to my journey...

First, my trainer/coach IFPA Pro Joe Franco.
Joe has guided me through all of my previous preps as well as my off season, so I have nothing but unwavering faith in him and his ability to bring me in at MY very best come show time. He will be making tweaks to my diet, cardio as well as training along the way...He does all the thinking and I just do as I am told :)

Second, Mike Carrubba and the fantastic team at Champion Nutrition.
Champion products have been a staple in my regime throughout my off season and will be a very important aspect to my contest prep as well.
I am proud to be a Champion Nutrition athlete and I look forward to bringing a champions made physique to the stage.

So, hop along for the ride on my crazy train....Here's to (just under) 18 weeks and counting!